…an independent advisory firm building wealth with active portfolio management

Is saving for losers or is Kiyosaki’s new book for CHUMPs?

Robert Kiyosaki has apparently written a new book- Saving is for losers.  Please don’t purchase it for me as a Christmas present, I don’t plan on reading it.  I disagree with most things that Kiyosaki says.  At times he can be persuasive when he promotes meritocracy but I lose interest when he inevitably builds on the foundation of success from “other-people’s-money”.  [In my opinion, this is a ploy to hustle broke suckers.  Draw your own conclusions.]

I maintain that the trinity of wealth is:  Earn + Save + Invest…in that order.

I’m not arguing that all debt is bad or that you shouldn’t have a mortgage or that it’s always imprudent to take a business loan.  It’s just my observation that the best course for the middle class to attain wealth is down the path of Wealthsteading and not the cul de sac of debt that often leads to owning real estate in the Subdivision of Sorrow.

If you disagree with me, well then perhaps you should “invest” in one of Kiyosaki’s educational programs.  If you don’t have the money, no problem.  He takes credit cards.  Good luck with that.

DEFINITION:  Chump – noun, a foolish or easily deceived person.


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